They have no problem doing a stereotypical job if they enjoy it and are surrounded by good people. working with animals, children, or the elderly.The ideal profession for life path 7 people: Those having life path number 7 often ask basic philosophical questions throughout their lives (who am I, where am I going, what is my life mission and purpose, etc.) They know that life is too short to live under the pretense that everyone has to work a 9-5 in order to live a somewhat standard life or that they have to look like what’s trendy. They have the natural joy of learning and expanding their horizons. However, this does not mean that these people are automatically followers of some religion. A life path 7 person will likely become a psychic, fortune teller, numerologist, dream analyst, or tarot reader. Many individuals with a life path 7 are also interested in spiritual issues and metaphysics. Their analytical mind is constantly on, and being alone or in a quiet place is what helps them recharge their batteries.ħ life path in numerology is typical for intellectuals with a somewhat unconventional worldview. It seems as if their brains work better when they are alone or not under stress and pressure. These people like (and need) to work alone or in a quiet environment. They have brilliant minds, and when they decide to focus on something or learn something, they can seem to turn off everything that is happening around them and concentrate fully on one thing. They have a strong sense of justice and fairness. Sometimes they can surprise you with how sharp tongue they have when they don’t like or agree with something! They don’t tend to speak profanity or put someone down, but when someone does or says something inappropriate or untrue, they can stand up straight and say what’s on their mind. Not that they are shy or submerged, but anyone who wants to understand complicated things needs to be calm and nonjudgemental enough to explore them. The individual with a life 7 life path is likely to be at least somewhat sidelined by the team and may also have introverted tendencies.
They are gullible and have no trust issues but take everything with a grain of salt because they know they will never learn the full truth on the internet or the media. They are curious souls and want to know the deeper meaning, not just what is on the surface or what they read on social networks or in the media. They are deep thinkers that want to know why things work the way they do. You can imagine a life path 7 person as a sage or researcher who wants to reveal the real nature of things (the core) or the mysteries of life. These people believe that nothing is really what it appears to be on the surface. People with life path number 7 are spiritually established and long for real and profound knowledge.

The only exceptions are numbers 11, 22, and 33, also known as master numbers.

Then we add up 3+4, which makes the number seven. For example, if your birthday is March 24, 1987, your life path number is 7. To find out your life path number, start by adding the digits of the month, day, and year until you reach a single digit. It is also one of the life path numbers in numerology whose meaning and characteristics we will now look at. If you surveyed 100 people about what they thought the luckiest number was, I believe more than 50% would say seven.

Whether we are talking about the days of the week, the number of continents, or the colors of the rainbow, the number seven plays a significant role in our culture. Seven is considered the luckiest number in the world.
How To Calculate Your Life Path Number Personality Traits Careers & Work Fashion & Tradition Psychic Abilities of Life Path 7 Love & Romance Negative Traits 5 Lessons People With Life Path 7 Need To Learn Compatibility of Life Path 7 With Other Numbers Life Path 7 Famous People